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Bullrushes in Elam Street open space!

Elam Street Open Space is now full of bullrushes, wild rocket, rose bay willow herb and long long grass. The water has dried up and the ducks are gone, but it’s otherwise bursting with life. Those bog garden people have done a great job. Where else can you see bullrushes round here, eh?

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November 27, 2008, 11:17 pm | Edit this
Filed under: Uncategorized

Found this on my computer the other day. I think it probably dates from last year. I don’t remember writing it, though I must have done. This seems like the best place for it. I don’t have any pictures of ESOS alas.


This morning


This morning, like every year,

mid-October spoke to me in Elam Street Open Space.

The crisp yellow leaves said, listen to us crackle, look at our pointy fingers!

Of course there are leaves like us everywhere in every year,

but this year it’s our turn to be the crisp leaves in Elam Street Open Space

and it’s you we’re calling to.

The blue sky said, how blue does a moment have to be

for you to want to rescue it from time?

The sun said, it’s your cheek I’m warming,

and this is a now worth any other,

so do something!


But I thought of all the other mid-October days

and all the other people who’ve done their bidding.

I went home to dirty breakfast bowls

and a computer full of other people’s words.


Soon though it will be late November, when the leaves are always gone,

so, here – others or no – are this morning, and those leaves.